The Art of Self Care has different meanings for everyone. We asked the Thortify team what The Art of Self Care means to them.

  • Gloria Lowe

    Thinking about what self care means for me, opens up wider questions about what it means to care. I think to care is to resist those ways of being that are so encouraged by contemporary life. To care is to slow down, to attend to and to be connected deeply with others and with yourself.

    When I think about care in its most well-known forms - self-care, child-care, care of the elderly, healthcare, social care - I am reminded of its real value and its capacity to transform lives. I believe that creativity plays a crucial role in how we take care of ourselves and others. It can enrich our lives enormously and help us to ask critical questions about who we are and how we share this world together.

    For me then, creative self care - the practice, or art of self care - is inclusive, radical, slow, connected and FUN!

  • Lauren Hunt

    Self care is essential, subjective and personal. No two people have the same needs when it comes to self care. We need to get to know ourselves in order to figure out what works for us.

    I think creativity extends far beyond making art, we can use creativity in all aspects of our lives. It’s essential for finding solutions and building confidence, which is hugely relevant to self care.

    For me, creative self care is about recognising when I’m not okay and doing what I need to do to feel better, before I reach tipping point. It’s a constant balancing act.

    Sometimes what I need is as simple as a long lie in, other times I need to show myself a little more focused care and attention to work through whatever is bothering me. I have found that being consistent and prioritising my self care is integral to maintaining my wellbeing.

  • Evie Warren

    Self care is so important. It is looking after yourself to be the best person for yourself and for others. Self care makes me feel more myself, less stressed and anxious, more motivated and overall happier.

    Going for a swim, walking my dog and having an evening of colouring in followed by a face mask and an early night all help me to feel so much better in a world so often fast paced and competitive.

    Creativity means thinking outside of the box and producing interesting, exciting ways to communicate ideas and messages, but also creating colourful explosions with no real meaning other than to express yourself and your feelings.

    To me, creativity is everywhere, nearly everything you use, look at and touch has been designed. It is so important and without it the world wouldn't be half as wonderful.

  • Debra Urbacz

    As a child of the 70s who grew up in a small village in Derbyshire I crave the freedom of being outside under big skies, whatever the weather. I love the visual beauty found in every season and believe that the onset of winter is a reminder to slow down and allow ourselves to listen to our most basic needs – to rest.

    In this fast moving, twenty-four-seven cinematic world we live in I feel we owe it ourselves to stop. We need to take time out to notice the small stuff and hold on to the rituals of life that are slow and meaningful but very satisfying. Creating fits in well with this philosophy and for me the process is often more important than the end result. Creativity should be intuitive rather than forced and most of all bring the creator joy.

  • Peter Urbacz

    Self care is a tool that needs to be maintained and is used to care for others. Just as you can’t make furniture with a blunt chisel, you are not able to impact on others positively without maintaining your own mental health.

    For me, challenging pursuits like skateboarding and woodworking help to quieten the mind, and enable me to look at the world from a different perspective - find peace.

    Creativity can be addictive. Being creative by learning new skills and coming up with new ideas sustains me.

  • Tracey Meek

    Self care to me is taking the time to breathe, and reflect and just progressively consider what is right for me. For example a few years ago I would go running for the nearest party when my body was yelling at me to stay in. These days I am able to listen to the calming voice, and wrap myself in comforting blankets and eat nice food and forget the FOMO. Self care is the slowing down and the smiling at your own reflection.

    Creativity is the imagination that every child is born with, it's an inquisitiveness that is often lost, or put to aside through a series of rights and wrongs that turn into a fear of mistakes. Creativity has to be nurtured so that confidence can feed its growth.

  • Julia Mai

    Creativity is everything! It is both fuel and an output, an important part to feeling whole.

    For me, self care is taking the time to listen to myself, both body & mind. It’s also important to set healthy boundaries towards both work and social life.

  • Lotti V Closs

    Self care means listening to myself – my body, my ideas, my needs, my fears & joys – taking time and consideration of my needs as seriously as I would for any of my loved ones.

    To me, creativity is a personal space, free of time, place and partly self. A kind of escapism through engagement with materials, ideas and feelings, where the connection to the activity is the root of whatever becomes the product.

  • Over to You

    What does creative self care look like to you?

    What are your favourite ways to look after yourself? Your favourite creative activities? What soothes and nourishes you? What is important to you? How do you know when you need to take a break? What makes your soul sing? Join the community #selfcarescrapbook